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It was noted that Walter Kirkland (SGA) needed to be listed as an Elected Member and the word we should be changed to he in the Good of the Order section. MOTION: Charles Wright moved for approval of the November 1st minutes; Magdelyn Helwig seconded the motion. The Minutes were unanimously approved as amended. Additions to the Agenda: Esteban Araya stated that the next meeting date listed on the agenda should be in January. Chair McGinty noted the correction. Ginny Boynton asked if the Council would discuss the expectation of a syllabus with an articulation request. Chair McGinty stated that transfer articulation agreements would be Item D under New Business. Announcements: No announcements. Introduction of Council Members: No introductions. REPORTS: Office of the Provost: Nancy Parsons stated she is tracking down Gen Ed data for assessment and will likely have the information at the beginning of the Spring semester. Ginny Boynton questioned the status of the proposed changes in the FYE program with Faculty Senate. Nancy Parsons stated that Faculty Senate was provided information about the proposed change from CCPI and further discussion will be held at the next Faculty Senate meeting on November 27th from 4-6pm in the Capital Room. Chair McGinty stated that Council members are welcome to attend. College of Arts & Sciences: Russ Morgan stated that a number of new Gen ED curriculum requests will be made in the spring. He stated that he attended a workshop on Gen Ed that emphasized revisions to the Gen Ed curriculum be made every 8-10 years. He indicated that this can be a painful process that results in small changes. Nancy Parsons stated that the last significant overhaul of the Gen Ed curriculum occurred in 1994 or 1996 when the number of courses students could select was reduced and a moratorium on new courses was in place. Magdelyn Helwig questioned when the categories were last overhauled. Ginny Boynton stated an overhaul of Gen Ed categories occurred in the late 1990s. University Advising: Michelle Yager reported that registration of new students will begin tomorrow. She stated there are approximately 70 new students; half are transfer students and half are freshmen. She indicated the official SOAR schedule will be released soon with one added weekend, for a total of three weekend dates. She stated that program times of noon to noon were still possible. Faculty Senate/Articulation Requests: Chair McGinty stated that there was no news from Faculty Senate at this time. Reading in Gen Ed Subcommittee: Magdelyn Helwig stated that the subcommittee reviewed last years efforts and found no peer institutions require reading as part of the Gen Ed curriculum. She stated that she still believes reading is worth pursuing, and one possibility may be to reframe ENG 100 as Critical Reading and Writing. Magdelyn Helwig stated that if reading is not added to a specific class, then perhaps it can be added across the board. She also shared that she has been invited to join the FYE Planning Committee to discuss reading. OLD BUSINESS Chair McGinty recommended that Old Business be tabled pending any questions from committee. There were no questions and no dissent. NEW BUSINESS Revisions to Gen Ed Request for Inclusion Form Chair McGinty reminded the Council that at the prior meeting, the focus of discussion was on questions A, B, and F on the Request for Inclusion form. At that time, Questions A and B were combined into one. Magdelyn Helwig stated attention could now be given back to the assessment plan and wondered if it could be attached to Question A or a general question regarding the assessment plan could be added. Ginny Boynton stated one challenge is if a plan needed to be approved with the Request for Inclusion form, the plan would likely need to be modified since only two of the three proposed Gen Ed goals would be selected. Magdelyn Helwig recommended a request for a general outline of the types of assessment that would be performed for the proposed course. Magdelyn Helwig also suggested that an example of the form could be completed to assist departments in meeting this requirement. Nancy Parsons stated that examples could be pulled from existing assessment plans and then questioned if the Council wanted to rework the plan. She stated Annette Hamm or Linda Prosise may have examples of assessment plans. Ginny Boynton recommended that if the Council is evaluating the assessment plan, the wording of expectations should be reviewed. Nancy Parsons suggested that examples of the activities used for assessment could be submitted. Ginny Boynton stated that this should be feasible since there would be a syllabus for the course. Chair McGinty took a straw poll to assess the Councils interest in providing an assessment plan template, a general understanding of how a course can meet the requirements, and an example of a completed form. The Council confirmed their interest. Further review of the Request for Inclusion form, pending development of these items, was tabled until next semester. Election of CGE Chair for 2013-2014 Chair McGinty stated that a Council chair needed to be elected for the 2013-2014 academic year. Nancy Parsons questioned which members of the Council were eligible. It was clarified that Chair McGinty, Ginny Boynton, and Esteban Araya rotate off the Council at the end of the Spring semester. Chair McGinty stated that he would train the new chair all semester and the position comes with a one course release. Donna Aguiniga and Cheryl Bailey declined to be nominated. Ginny Boynton questioned if Diane Sandage would accept the position and then recommended that the Council come back to the issue after addressing the other new business. Upon completion of other new business, Ginny Boynton nominated Diane Sandage as chair. Diane Sandage accepted the nomination and was elected by acclamation. Approval of Spring 2013 CGE Meeting Schedule Chair McGinty stated that the Council typically meets two days after Executive Council and five days before Faculty Senate. There are eight possible dates for the Spring semester, and the Council needs to meet a minimum of six times. Ginny Boynton asked why there were brackets around some of the proposed dates. Chair McGinty explained that these are possible alternate dates, with a meeting only being held on that date if needed. Nancy Parsons questioned the inclusion of May 2nd as a meeting date. Chair McGinty stated that he believed April 23rd to be the last regularly scheduled Faculty Senate meeting. Chair McGinty recommended that January 17th and Mary 2nd be bracketed as alternate meeting dates. Chair McGinty stated he would confirm the location. Motion: Magdelyn Hedwig motioned to accept the proposed list of meeting dates, with January 17th and May 2nd meeting as alternate dates if needed. Cheryl Bailey seconded the motion. Motion was passed unanimously. Transfer Articulation Chair McGinty stated that the catalog of transfer articulations needs to be updated every five years. He shared that is he receiving transfer articulation requests without syllabi and questioned if the committee felt syllabi were needed. Ginny Boynton stated that it is not a hardship to include the syllabus, and there is often insufficient information in the catalog copy to determine if a course fulfills the Gen Ed requirements. Nancy Parson agreed and stated that this is especially true with the writing component of Gen Ed. Ginny Boynton expressed her concern that even with syllabi, the information provided is often too generic. Magdelyn Helwig stated that students could be asked to provide copies of their assignments. Mike Hoge questioned if the majority of syllabi were available online. Magdelyn Helwig answered that most are still only available in paper format. Chair McGinty confirmed it was the Will of the Council for him to draft a statement to Patty Mason and Becky Dorethy explaining that, for the Council to most effectively review articulation requests and make informed decisions, syllabi must accompany all requests and catalog reviews. MOTION: Cheryl Bailey moved to adjourn. The Council adjourned at 4:10 PM. CGE will next convene at 3:30PM on Thursday, 31 January 2013 in the Fox Room of the University Union. Respectfully submitted, Dr. Donna Aguiniga, CGE Secretary     PAGE  PAGE 1 !012349<=@ABCZ[] . 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