ࡱ> FHE *bjbjBrBr 4B  "%/////CCC8{<$C "$ #///6//pCQFw0 8$08$8$/#T>*,V$zH 8$ : 鶹ý Council on General Education Meeting Minutes 4 October 2012 Elected Members Present: Patrick McGinty (Soc & Anthro, CGE Chair), Donna Aguiniga (Social Work, CGE Secretary), Esteban Araya (Physics), Cheryl Bailey (Communication), Magdelyn Helwig (English & Journalism), Diane Sandage (Soc & Anthro), Pengqian Wang (Physics), Oswald Warner (Soc & Anthro) Ex-officio Members Present: Nancy Parsons (Provosts Office), Russ Morgan (Deans Council) Elected Member Excused: Ginny Boynton (History), Mark Hoge (Agriculture), Charles Wright (Art), Dean Zoerink (RPTA) Ex-officio Member Absent: Michelle Yager (COAA) Guests Present: Jessica Harriger (Econ & DS), Tej Kaul (Econ & DS) CGE Chairperson Patrick McGinty called the meeting to order at 3:32 p.m. in the Fox Room of the University Union on the Macomb campus. MINUTES, INTRODUCTIONS, AND REPORTS The minutes for September 20, 2012 were read. Magdelyn Helwig noted a misspelling of her name. MOTION: Cheryl Bailey moved to approve the amended September 20th minutes; Magdelyn Hedwig seconded the motion. The Minutes were unanimously approved. Additions to the Agenda: No additions. Announcements: No announcements. Introduction of Council Members: No introductions. REPORTS: Office of the Provost: No report. College of Arts & Sciences: No report. University Advising: No report. Faculty Senate/Articulation Requests: Chair McGinty stated that there was no news from Faculty Senate at this time. Reading in Gen Ed Subcommittee: Magdelyn Helwig stated that the subcommittee meets today after the CGE meeting. Chair McGinty stated that serving on the subcommittee was open to volunteers. NEW BUSINESS Chair McGinty recommended that the Council move to New Business to accommodate the late arrival of Nancy Parsons and the representatives from Economics. There was no dissent. ECON/DS 351 Chair McGinty introduced the Request for Inclusion form for ECON/DS 351 and opened the floor for discussion. Tej Kaul introduced himself and the prospective instructor for the course, Jessica Harriger. Diane Sandage stated that she supported the class and believed that students should know the types of information provided in the course. Chair McGinty clarified the difference between goals and objectives from the Gen Ed perspective and stated that this course was proposed to fit Gen Ed Goals 2, 3 and 5. He stated that because of its inclusion in the Multicultural category, Goal 5 is an automatic goal for the course. Donna Aguiniga questioned the appropriateness of a 300 level Gen Ed course. Chair McGinty explained that it is possible only in the Multicultural category. Diana Sandage shared that she currently taught a 300 level Gen Ed course. Madgelyn Helwig questioned why there is ECON 350, an existing course with Gen Ed designation, and the new ECON 351. Jennifer Harriger explained that ECON 350 is the Writing in the Discipline course and that students must complete an ECON prerequisite; ECON 351 only requires that students have the necessary maturity. Tej Kaul explained that 90-95% of students will have had an economics course, but for those who do not, the junior level prerequisite will help ensure they are appropriate for the class. Madgelyn Helwig expressed concern that ECON 350 is both a Gen Ed course and a WID course for majors. She stated that the goals are disparate between Gen Ed and WID and questioned if both can be met within the same course. Jennifer Harriger stated that ECON 350 provides instruction for writing in the social sciences and an opportunity for revision. Magdelyn Helwig stated that Gen Ed courses provide writing to learn opportunities, while WID courses provide discipline-specific instruction in writing. Donna Aguiniga and Esteban Araya both shared examples of how WID courses are used in their respective disciplines to teach a specific style of writing. Tej Kaul stated that the critical thinking and broad examination of social issues from an economic perspective found in the course means that the goals of WID and Gen Ed can be reconciled. Chair McGinty expressed that with the level of course found in the Multicultural category of Gen Ed, the distinction can get blurry. Magdelyn Helwig stated that the WID committee is revising its standards, in part to clarify that meeting WID standards is more than meeting a set number of pages of written work. Tej Kaul shared that the plan is to seek Writing for BGS and a Global Issues course designations for ECON 351. He stated that he will hold off presenting the course to Faculty Senate until the course has been through all the appropriate councils and committees. Russ Morgan asked if there has been discussion on the difference between multicultural status and global issues. He stated that he felt the course better fit the Global Issues category. Tej Kaul explained that poverty is a global phenomenon and this course will examine the interconnections between cultures. He explained that a key difference between ECON 351 and ECON 350 is that this course will examine compare and contrast cultures from a global perspective, while ECON 350 is almost exclusively focused on poverty within the United States. Jennifer Harrigan stated that students must know an areas background and culture to understand identify potential solutions to poverty. Chair McGinty asked Oswald Warner for his opinion on this matter. Oswald Warner stated that this appears to be a much needed course. He questioned if the focus of the course is on developing or developed countries. Jennifer Harrigan stated that the emphasis is on developing countries and that developed countries were primarily examined in the context of the aid they provided. Chair McGinty reiterated for the Council that Gen Ed Goal 5 is mandated for the Multicultural category. Esteban Araya brought up the need for an assessment plan of the goals. Tej Kaul emphasized his departments familiarity with Gen Ed assessment and recognition of the need to assess the new course. Nancy Parsons stated, and the Council agreed, that it is unfair to ask for the plan at this time since revisions to the Request for Inclusion form have not yet been made. Donna Aguiniga stated that the role of the Council is to determine if the course meets the designation for Gen Ed; it is for Faculty Senate to decide if a course can have multiple designations. Esteban Araya and Diane Sandage both stated that ECON 351 fits in with the goal of Gen Ed. Motion: Oswald Warner moved to approve ECON/DS 351 as a Gen Ed with assessment materials arriving at a later date. Cheryl Bailey seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Magdelyn Helwig discussed the appropriateness of Gen Ed Goal 2 with its focus on analysis and critical thinking. Pengqian Wang stated that the communication emphasis found in Gen Ed Goal 3 is not always found in courses. Motion: Donna Aguiniga moved to designate Gen Ed Goals 2 & 5 as the assigned goals for ECON/DS 351. Magdelyn Helwig seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Chair McGinty clarified that the syllabus does not have to be revised to eliminate mention of Gen Ed Goal 3. OLD BUSINESS FYE/UNIV 100 Proposal Nancy Parsons reported that she has met with representatives from FYE, CGE, CAGAS, CCPI, and Faculty Senate to discuss the FYE conversion process and the five possible inclusion options (outlined in the September 20th minutes) for the new UNIV 100 course. She stated that it would be CCPIs role to approve the course description, CAGAS role to revise the policy so it reads all students with less than 24 hours need UNIV 100 and one Y designated course, and CGEs role to determine the appropriateness of UNIV 100 as a Gen Ed course. Nancy Parsons stated that a UNIV 100 proposal will be presented at the next CGE meeting. Diane Sandage questioned if students would take UNIV 100 concurrently with a FYE course. Nancy Parsons stated that students would, but further discussion is needed about what would happen if a student failed UNIV 100. This led to a discussion regarding graduation rates for students who have failed FYE courses and ENG 100. Magdelyn Helwig stated that approximately 75% of students who fail ENG 100 do not return. Oswald Warner questioned what return meant in this instance. Magdelyn Helwig stated the students do not return to the university because they are typically not doing well in their courses. Magdelyn Helwig questioned if there would be an overlap on writing and reading instruction in UNIV 100 for students also enrolled in ENG 100 and/or ENG 180. Nancy Parsons stated that the course text has not yet been selected and input would be welcome. MOTION: Cheryl Bailey moved to adjourn. The Council adjourned at 4:50PM. CGE will next convene at 3:30PM on Thursday, 18 October 2012 in the Fox Room of the University Union. Respectfully submitted, Dr. Donna Aguiniga, CGE Secretary     PAGE  PAGE 4 !0123:;>?@AXY[) f g h r ſ~zk]RK h*P"5aJh0w5:CJaJh5h0w5:CJaJh5h0w56:CJaJhtU h 4*aJ haJ hO5aJ h*P"aJ hW,aJhN)hW,aJh5hW,5CJaJh5hW,5:CJaJ hLaJhN)hLaJh`z95:CJaJhL5:CJaJh hL5:CJaJhHjhL5:CJ aJ !1@Ag h 9 : j k 7 8 \ ] V W gd-vgd?gd}gd0wgd 4*gdL$a$gdL  # $ 3 8 : D K S T b d h j k y { ׽vkd[h6.h?aJ h?5aJh?5:CJaJhQh}5aJh}5:CJaJh5h}5:CJaJh5h}56:CJaJ hf!aJ h}aJhN)hJaJh5hJ5CJaJh5hJ5:CJaJhJ5:CJaJ h?aJ haJ h*P"aJ h3aJ h0waJ"  6 7 8 \ ] m w y  . 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