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Mark Mossman* Office of Provost (Ex-officio,Provost's Representative) Michelle Yager Advising-Director (Ex-officio, COAA Representative) * = new this term to CGE ** = 1 semester sabbatical replacement for Kishore Kapale 1. Call to order3:30 p.m. 2. Corrections & acceptance of minutes from May 3, 2018Zellmann asked that the spelling of her name be corrected. Correction made. Baker-Sperry moved and Anderson seconded approval of minutes as amended from the May 3, 2018, meeting. Minutes approved. 3. Additions to AgendaBaker-Sperry asked that Request for Council on General Education (CGE) Subcommittee on Assessment of Student Learning in General Education be added as Agenda Item 9. So added. Holz indicated desire to communicate with the Centennial Honors College or even create a subcommittee to address apparent lack of parity between some Gen Ed categories and the CHC Gen Ed course offerings. After some discussion, Bennett suggested that this not be taken up by CGE, and that Holz resolve this with the Dean of the CHC, a recommendation with which Holz agreed. Holz asked which committee for course articulations our new at large member, Todd Lough (LEJA) be associated. Holz and Lough agreed to discuss outside of the meeting where his expertise might be best utilized when evaluating course articulations (for transfer students). 4. Roll Call including brief introductions & new CGE members-- All present. New members indicated above were welcomed and introduced. 5. AnnouncementsHolz summarized the CGE Annual Report (2017-2018). Likewise Holz summarized the GERC Final Report and announced it would be presented at forthcoming Faculty Senate meeting (September 11 at 4:00 p.m.). Senate Chair Pynes agreed earlier that CGE should meet before this presentation. ArticulationsAll CGE members will serve on articulation subcommittees. NEW BUSINESS 6. Reports a. Provost -- Dr. Mark Mossman, Associate ProvostNo report. b. CAS -- Kyle MaybornNo report. c. University Advising -- Michelle Yager -- Recent advising effort has been directed to launching the new advising app. 7. What would CGE like to achieve in 2018-2019? A moratorium on CGE action is in place until GERC is disbanded; nevertheless, presumably new course proposals will soon be forwarded to us. Knox proposed considering 300- and 400-level courses for Gen Ed while recognizing the formidable obstacles at the university and state levels. Baker-Sperry asked if CGE would be asked to address Gen Ed streamlining. Zanolla averred that CGE insist on knowing what its charge is to be should we receive a new charge related to streamlining. Baker-Sperry reminded CGE that last year CGE was asked to identify which Gen Ed courses are actually being offered. Zanolla asked if the role of CGE should be to reduce the number of courses or the number of credit hours and where the push for change originates. Holz indicated that GERC broached removing courses from the catalog but we were advised by the Associate Provost that GERC or CGE did not have the authority to remove courses (that such authority lies with the Chairs and unit heads). Holz added that he will soon email GERC members to attend the next senate meeting. Senate will review and vote upon the GERC Final Report recommendations. OLD BUSINESS 8. Review CGE website. Edit and plan updates, including: Writing in General Education (from GERC), and the Faculty ResourcesHolz indicated new writing requirements should be updated (as should the membership list on the agenda). Holz asked for a motion. No motion was made, so Holz asked for a motion to table this until the next meeting. Anderson moved and Lough seconded tabling the motion until the next meeting. Tabled. 9. Other subcommittees? Baker-Sperry provided background of the Request for Council on General Education (CGE) Subcommittee on Assessment of Student Learning in General Education and asked CGE to review the request. Questions followed regarding HLC accreditation next year: What will be the format? Will there be a campus visit or document review? When will review commence? Possibly around February 2020 or shortly before? Chamberlin asked if CGE members with short time remaining on their membership should be on this Assessment of Student Learning subcommittee; Baker-Sperry pointed to the value of their assessment experience to start the work of the subcommitteeherself, Mossman, and three or four others could educate CGE and the larger community. Holz noted that some ideas were worked on last year and appear in the GERC report. Holz asked Baker-Sperry about this CGE subcommittees potential relationship to the university-wide Assessment Committee SLAC (of which Holz was a member last year), and Baker-Sperry indicated they were very different groups with no necessary overlapping membership. Various ideas were discussed regarding the place of Centennial Honors College Gen Ed courses in General Education. Baker-Sperry noted that CGE does not force courses on departments. Holz will try to resume his discussion with the Honors College Dean. Holz noted that the newly presented CIE Report on International Education at 鶹ý will be shared with CGE soon. CIE has done considerable work and would like to see an increase in Global Issues to six (6) credits from three (3). OTHER BUSINESS? The chair reminded members to encourage their colleagues to attend the Faculty Senate meeting next week. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4:38 p.m. after a motion by Daytner and second by Bennett. 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