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Corrections and acceptance of minutes from April 18, 2019A number of minor clarifications were recommended to be included in the revised minutes. Anderson moved and Runquist seconded these changes. Minutes approved with changes. 3. Additions to AgendaBecause Mossman was to be late, Holz recommended moving Mossmans report to later in agenda. However, since Mossman did not attend, his Provosts report remains in the original order, while 9. Welcome new officers. . . was moved up becoming 7. and 8. Discussion of a separate form . . . became 9. in these minutes. 4. Roll CallChamberlin, Zanolla, Schmidt, and Mossman were absent. 5. AnnouncementsSee 6.e. below. NEW BUSINESS 6. Reports a. Provost -- Dr. Mark Mossman, Associate ProvostNo report. b. CAS Jim SchmidtNo report. [Bennett noted that Schmidt has not been receiving CGE email, accounting for his recent absences.) c. University Advising -- Michelle Yager brought good news that new freshman SOAR reservations were 600 Monday and 640 on CGE Thursday, up 14% from a year ago. Significantly, university housing deposits are also up 3% to 435 from a year ago. d. Student Learning Assessment Subcommittee Lori Baker-Sperry corrected her report from the last CGE meeting, noting that all departments except physics are pulling together their impact reports, probably due to the change in department administration. e. CGE Chair Keith HolzAfter confirmation from Annette Hamm and CCPI, the calendar for CGE meetings next fall will be 3:30 p.m. September 5th and 19th; October 3rd, 17th, and 31st; November 14th; and December 5th. Meeting room is to be confirmed. 7. Welcome new officers (4), and appreciation and farewell to exiting members (4) with terms ending. a. New CGE members were welcomed: Wanmo Koo, Management and Marketing; Seyfi Turkelli, Mathematics and Philosophy; Heather McIlvaine-Newsad, Sociology and Anthropology (not present); and Marjorie Allison, English (sabbatical in fall, present). Bennett, Chamberlin, Day, and Daytner were thanked for their CGE service. b. Open nominations and self-nominations for Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary (2019-2020). Nominations were taken from the floor. c. Voting by Ballot: Patricia Anderson, Chair; Karen Zellman, Vice-chair; Bill Knox, Secretary; were unanimously elected. Holz will remain be on CGE in the fall before beginning his sabbatical and will remain active through the summer to prepare the CGE annual report and present it in the fall. OLD BUSINESS 8. Discussion and approval of updated letter to Chairs of April 29, 2019 (replacing April 9, 2019 version), from 鶹ý Council on General Education Assessment of Student Learning Subcommittee and any related business. Numerous emendations were recommended. Zellman moved and Bennett seconded that Baker-Sperry will make suggested changes from todays CGE meeting and forward them to Holz who, in turn, will send to CGE for a last read confirming approval. Motion approved. 9. Discussion of need for separate form for new online General Education courses. Compare current Request for Inclusion in General Education form. After considerable discussion, Holz moved and Knox seconded tabling action. Motion approved. 10. Good of the OrderNone. ADJOURNMENT Zellman moved and Runquist seconded a motion to adjourn. Motion approved. Next Meeting of CGE: [Request pending for September 5, 2019], Thursday, 3:30 to 5:00, 501 Stipes Hall List of current CGE subgroups to evaluate articulation requests: Communication Skills: Zanolla, Knox Humanities/Fine Arts: Chamberlin, Holz Social Sciences: Anderson, Day Natural Sciences/Math: Baramidze, Bennett MC/FLGI: Baker-Sperry Human Well-Being: Zellmann     #+,7BQRSTU[\`lmnorwշծՇ~rf]fUfUMhYOJQJh< 'OJQJh%1OJQJ\hC.h< 'OJQJ\h)h< '5OJQJhKR5OJQJhp"5OJQJhz[5OJQJhY5OJQJhEChU65OJQJhG5OJQJhf& 5OJQJhSThST5OJQJhST5OJQJhECh!S5OJQJh*Xh(1c5OJQJhe5OJQJh5OJQJ,STUo I p  3 V  p^gdz[ 1$7$8$H$gd< 'gd!S 1$7$8$H$gd!S  p^gd< '@&gd) $@&a$gdG $@&a$gdT' $@&a$gd@&gd  o p   3 G V s    ǸǸyynynf^nVhP%OJQJh!SOJQJh{WOJQJhECh!SOJQJh UOJQJhQOJQJhECh< 'OJQJh< 'OJQJhc~OJQJhz[OJQJh< 'B*OJQJphhECh< 'B*OJQJphh!SB*OJQJphhECh!SB*OJQJphh< 'hYOJQJhf& hf& OJQJhf& OJQJ!V ( f JlmzF<;7`gd%,`gdugdu^gd P&gd!S  p^gd!Sgd{W  p^gdz[ & ( 4 U V ` c d h D S   ²tldl\h+wOJQJhwOJQJheOJQJhe{h!SOJQJh'COJQJhSThSTOJQJh4^OOJQJh%1OJQJhHFOJQJhQ'OJQJhLu(OJQJhSTOJQJh P&OJQJhEChU6OJQJhU6OJQJh+OJQJhz[OJQJhECh!SOJQJh!SOJQJ$ GIJKN[klmyz{ݲͽՇwldlXPhHEOJQJhHEOJPJQJ^JheOJQJh@?Jh!SOJQJhOJQJh0OJQJhTFh!SOJQJh h. 5OJQJhdh!S5OJQJhIOJQJhECh!SOJQJhU6OJQJh?OJQJhqFOJQJh!SOJQJh P&OJQJhe{h!SOJQJh+wOJQJhwOJQJ=EF`jn;<hiz:;<GHIT+,6轵赡}qqqqqqqiihwOJQJhU)hU)H*OJQJh(DOJQJh(DOJPJQJ^Jh%1OJQJh8,OJQJh'COJQJheOJPJQJ^JheOJQJhcpOJQJh"OJQJh!SOJQJh0OJQJh@?Jh!SOJQJhU)OJQJh?OJQJhOJQJ)67:Gpqrv"º௤𺜓wowowogoh4ROJQJhOJQJht4h=6OJQJhG,OJQJh=65OJQJhHF5OJQJh. 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