ࡱ> GJF ]!bjbj 4BO 8&\,"+"-"-"-"-"-"-"$$V'ZQ"Q"f"F+"+":,[0*n+ "|"0" R'F'['[Q"Q""' : 鶹ý Council on General Education Minutes April 18, 20193:30 p.m.501 Stipes Hall Spring 2019 CGE Members Patricia Anderson Sociology & Anth. (Social Sciences) Lori Baker-Sperry Liberal Arts & Sci. (Multicultural) Greg Baramidze Computer Sciences (COBT) Steve Bennett Geology (Math/Natural Sciences) Ute Chamberlin History (Humanities) Jonathan Day Political Science (Social Sciences) Gary Daytner Educational Studies (At-large) Keith Holz, Chair Art (Humanities/Fine Arts) William Knox English (Basic Skills/Writing) Joyce Runquist COBT (At-large) David Zanolla Communication (Basic Skills/Public Speaking) Karen Zellmann Health Sci. & SW (Human Well-Being) Daria Levchenko Student Gov't. Assoc. Jim Schmidt C.A.S. (Ex-officio, Dean's Council Rep.) Mark Mossman Office of Provost (Ex-officio, Provost's Rep.) Michelle Yager Advising Center (Ex-officio, COAA Rep.) 1. Call to order3:30 p.m. 2. Corrections and acceptance of minutes from March 21, 2019Under 6.d., original language was replaced with Not all departments have Gen Ed courses and courses in a category are reported as one. Under 7., Sec was replaced with SCH. Runquist moved and Bennett seconded. Minutes approved with changes. 3. Additions to AgendaNone. 4. Roll CallSchmidt and Zanolla were absent. 5. AnnouncementsHolz noted the Malpass Library authors reception 3:00 p.m., next Wednesday. Mary McMurtery who handles all Gen Ed articulation requests in the Registrars Office will be leaving the university. NEW BUSINESS 6. Reports a. Provost -- Dr. Mark Mossman, Associate ProvostSee 7. Below. b. CAS Jim SchmidtNo report. c. University Advising -- Michelle YagerThe current new student registration program registered 40 to attend 40 on-campus program while 130 registered by .telephone. d. Student Learning Assessment Subcommittee Lori Baker-SperryNow chaired by Steve Bennett. Baker-Sperry provided an update as she finishes her term: Impact reports from departments will go to the Provosts office. Gen Ed reports will be submitted by all departments that offer Gen Ed. Bennett will have a follow-on report after the subcommittee meeting next week. e. CGE Chair Keith HolzNo report. 7. Mossman reported on number and percentage of Gen Ed courses online, as well as number of Gen Ed courses taken by dual enrollment students in the high schools. Current information is less exhaustive than it should be, but trends can be seen. Both online and dual enrollment courses are growing. At last count, 11.3% of all students are 100% online, that is, they never come to either campus. Mossman asked CGE to consider the implications, practical and pedagogical, of these growing numbers. How should CGE address the issue? Should a CGE member join the Distance Learning and International Education Task Force? Will enough Gen Ed courses be available online? The question arose of how many students attend either campus and also take online classes. Definition: If a student takes even one course on a physical campus, s/he is counted as an on-campus student. Mossman proposed having a CGE committee member on the task force. Another question: How does CGE evaluate the suitability of courses for online offering? Baker-Sperry suggested a new Gen Ed course form. Mossman noted that a new one is being developed based on a QC form. Holz asked about the quality of online delivery. Mossman encouraged training for online faculty. Holz encouraged discussion of the form to go ahead. CGE should be told when a face-to-face course goes online. Baramidze noted that currently neither guidelines nor statistics exist for online courses. Mossman recommended the CITR model, implementing it in Fall Semester 2019. Since no one volunteered for the task force, Mossman will report that the CGE chair or representative will join the task force. Holz noted that of the 550 Gen Ed courses for fall, 12% will be online. Holz asked about retention of 鶹ýs online students. Holz noted that some online students take only several online courses but do not matriculate further at 鶹ý. Anderson said her Zoom courses are successful. Mossman guessed that online enrollment has doubled in the last three years. 8. Discussion of letter to Chairs of April 9, 2019, from Student Learning Assessment Subcommittee and any related business of this committeeBennettAsked for questions. Baker-Sperry said all impact reports had been received. Holz noted no dates are listed in the report. Baker-Sperry proposed including the evaluation matrix. Holz said a timetable of stages and due dates (or at least months) would be helpful. Baker-Sperry said this will be done. As a point of information, Holz asked why Levchenko did not appear on the member list; she explained her schedule allowed her to attend only one meeting this semester. Chamberlin suggested adding April 2020 to the second paragraph for clarity. Baker-Sperry said the revised letter will be ready to send after the May 2nd CGE meeting. 9. Review procedures for changes to CGE membership next year, and new officers. Holz updated the committee on what must be done at the next CGE meeting, the last of the year. Four new members will join. McIlvaine-Newsad (Social Sciences), Turkelli (Math/Natural Sciences), Allison (Humanities), and Koo (At-large) will replace Day, Bennett, Chamberlin, and Daytner, respectively. Officers will be elected for the 2019-2020 academic year. Because of uncommon circumstances, Zanolla will continue for a fifth year and Holz may continue for a fourth, but these matters will be clarified at the last meeting. OLD BUSINESS None 10. Good of the OrderHolz shared food for thought from one of the recent provost candidates: Academic majors enable students to climb ladders while general education enables them to climb mountains. Anderson moved and Runquist seconded a motion to adjourn. ADJOURNMENT4:27 p.m. After adjournment, Levchenko noted that she was elected SGA Vice President and therefore will not serve on CGE next year. Next Meeting of CGE: May 2, 2019, Thursday, 3:30 to 5:00, 501 Stipes Hall List of current CGE subgroups to evaluate articulation requests: Communication Skills: Zanolla, Knox Humanities/Fine Arts: Chamberlin, Holz Social Sciences: Anderson, Day Natural Sciences/Math: Baramidze, Bennett MC/FLGI: Baker-Sperry Human Well-Being: Zellmann      ()BRSYZ^jklmpu~  \ ] ú~ocTHToch< 'B*OJQJphhECh< 'B*OJQJphh!SB*OJQJphhECh!SB*OJQJphh< 'hYOJQJhYOJQJh< 'OJQJh%1OJQJ\hC.h< 'OJQJ\h)h< '5OJQJhKR5OJQJhp"5OJQJhz[5OJQJhY5OJQJhEChU65OJQJhf5OJQJhECh!S5OJQJ)RSm 6 ] C   gd{W  p^gdz[ 1$7$8$H$gd< 'gd!S 1$7$8$H$gd!S  p^gd< '@&gd) $@&a$gdG $@&a$gd $@&a$gdf 4 C ` ~     ! 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