ࡱ> KNJ #bjbj 4F8&d,&t%%%%%%%$(8+*%%4%^%%V-@,d8XHm }%%0&yTb+fb+b+%%&b+ :  鶹ý Council on General Education Minutes March 21, 20193:30 p.m.501 Stipes Spring 2019 CGE Members Patricia Anderson Sociology & Anth. (Social Sciences) Lori Baker-Sperry Liberal Arts & Sci. (Multicultural) Greg Baramidze Computer Sciences (COBT) Steve Bennett Geology (Math/Natural Sciences) Ute Chamberlin History (Humanities) Jonathan Day Political Science (Social Sciences) Gary Daytner Educational Studies (At-large) Keith Holz, Chair Art (Humanities/Fine Arts) William Knox English (Basic Skills/Writing) Joyce Runquist COBT (At-large) David Zanolla Communication (Basic Skills/Public Speaking) Karen Zellmann Health Sci. & SW (Human Well-Being) Daria Levchenko Student Gov't. Assoc. Jim Schmidt C.A.S. (Ex-officio, Dean's Council Rep.) Mark Mossman Office of Provost (Ex-officio, Provost's Rep.) Michelle Yager Advising Center (Ex-officio, COAA Rep.) 1. Call to order3:33 p.m. 2. Corrections and acceptance of minutes from February 14, 2019Four errors were brought up and additional paragraph indentation was requested. Minutes approved with changes made. 3. Additions to AgendaNone 4. Roll CallZanolla, Schmidt, and Yager were absent. 5. AnnouncementsNone NEW BUSINESS 6. Reports a. Provost -- Dr. Mark Mossman, Associate ProvostAt the last meeting of the Faculty Senate, a policy change was approved for dual enrollment courses concerning the time restriction on seniors registration. CGE approved dual enrollment about 30 years ago. Dual enrollment is common in wealthier school districts because they have the teachers to offer the courses. A wall exists between high schools and 鶹ý in terms of what can be offered: dual credit is offered by high schools while a high school student may take a course at 鶹ý to be reported back to the high school which decides how to count it. With the Illinois teacher shortage, students are increasingly earning college credit, even finishing associate degrees by the time of graduation. Mossman himself has taught ENG 180 and 280 at Cambridge High School. Macomb Senior High School (MSHS) will soon offer a political science course. Nearby Quincy High School has proven to be most successful with dual enrollment classes. One recent high point was when Mossman and Kristi Mindrup of the provosts office gave a relevant talk to superintendents of schools. Havana also is working to serve high achieving students. Mossman noted increased recruiting from other universities. One of 鶹ýs Presidential Scholars is from Cambridge. Holz asked if we know which online students are in high school. Mossman said easier enrollment of students online is possible because of faculty costs. Baker-Sperry thought it would be good to have CGE ask the registrar to report online enrollment of the last three years; Mossman said he would have it in time for the next CGE meeting. Baramidze asked if dual enrollment is included in current enrollment numbersit is. b. CAS Jim SchmidtNo report c. University Advising Michelle YagerNo report d. Student Learning Assessment Subcommittee Lori Baker-Sperry Baker-Sperry said her committee will meet in the coming week and will look at the packet of gen ed assessments and discuss what to do with the data. Some limitations: Not all departments have gen ed courses and majors and graduate students are reported as one. Backing up, Holz asked Baker-Sperry to clarify which committee Baker-Sperry is talking about: Not the CGE one but the SLAC (Student Learning Assessment Committee). Baker-Sperry concluded by saying these subcommittees are preparing for the upcoming Higher Learning Commission. e. CGE Chair Keith HolzTwo items: First, he thanked the committee members who worked on the several recent articulation requests. Second, he reported that the new CGE Writing Requirements were sent to departments on February 21st, but no response has been received. 7. Discuss issues or concerns about Gen Ed on eve of realignment and Higher Learning Commission review? Visit from Interim Provost? The anticipated realignment has not yet been announced. Holz went on to note the singularly difficult and challenging times for 鶹ý. He asked how the present institutional climate affects gen ed. Mossman indicated that Interim Provost Clow will convene those involved in the decision next week. The provost delayed so the reorganization would not have to be reorganized, according to Mossman. His hope is that at this time next year there will be many courses for CGE to evaluate. Chamberlin asked how the new, yet-to-be-identified provost will influence the new curriculum because before there was pressure to reduce gen ed overall credit hours. Mossman noted the troubling part that mistrust leads to no innovation. Day asked why make changes that affect SEC. Runquist reminded that we are supposed to support student interests. Holz went on to make two points: First, he expects an effort to remove the FLGI (Foreign Language Global Issues) requirement even though the removal of a required international course is not in the universitys mission and interests. Second, he noted the loss of faculty, due to layoffs, available to teach gen ed courses. In the meantime, removing from the catalog dead gen Ed courses not taught anymore would simplify offerings. Holz asks if Clow should come to a CGE meeting before he departs his post. 8. Initiate statement for new BOT and administrators affirming Gen Eds importance in 鶹ýs curriculum. (Members should bring key points, ideas, or excerpts from existing documents, to include or adapt.) Knox said yes, but Mossman thought the better course would be to submit questions to the provost candidates. Holz expressed the need to advocate for gen ed in our departments to accentuate its value. The first provost candidate touted his record of developing a new applied degree program that reduced gen ed credit hour requirements. Day asked Mossman how 鶹ý faculty could secure teaching at MSHS. Mossman replied that it is not easy because the high school asks for specific courses to be taught. 鶹ý faculty teach as they would in their normal course assignment through the chair. 鶹ý faculty offering dual enrollment courses receive ACEs. At Blackhawk, students often pay a reduced rate because of a generous donation. Dual enrollment with 鶹ý has more than doubled in each of the past two years indicating its popularity. Melissa Telles in admissions outlined this growth in the presentation she and Mossman gave at the last Faculty Senate. OLD BUSINESS--None 9. Good of the OrderNone Zellman moved and Anderson seconded the motion to adjourn. ADJOURNMENT4:29 p.m. Next Meeting of CGE: April 4, 2019, Thursday, 3:30 to 5:00, 501 Stipes Hall List of current CGE subgroups to evaluate articulation requests: Communication Skills: Zanolla, Knox Humanities/Fine Arts: Chamberlin, Holz Social Sciences: Anderson, Day Natural Sciences/Math: Baramidze, Bennett MC/FLGI: Baker-Sperry Human Well-Being: Zellmann     #+,:CDIPQRSYZ^jklmpu~ ̷̮բՇ~rf]fUfUMhYOJQJh< 'OJQJh%1OJQJ\hC.h< 'OJQJ\h)h< '5OJQJhKR5OJQJhp"5OJQJhz[5OJQJhY5OJQJhEChU65OJQJh>5OJQJh[z5OJQJhLZhLZ5OJQJhLZ5OJQJhECh!S5OJQJh*Xh(1c5OJQJhe5OJQJh5OJQJ,QRSm 6 ] C  p^gdz[ 1$7$8$H$gd< 'gd!S 1$7$8$H$gd!S  p^gd< '@&gd) $@&a$gdG@&gdLZ $@&a$gdLZ $@&a$gd@&gd  \ ] 4 C ` ~     ! 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