ࡱ> TVS /:bjbjVV 4Z<<2,8L[4 #*"""""""$6%'f"""$$$B"$"$$:},f w""0 #.>(`>(>($""$ #>( : 鶹ý Council on General Education Meeting Minutes 17 November 2011 Elected Members Present: Patrick McGinty (Soc & Anthro, Chair), Cheryl Bailey (Communication), Keith Holz (Art), Andrea Hyde (EIS), Zee Mutairi (SGA), Cynthia Struthers (IIRA), Pengqian Wang (Physics), Dean Zoerink (RPTA), Ginny Boynton (History, Secretary) Ex-officio Members Present: Nancy Parsons (Provosts Office), Candace McLaughlin (Advisors Council) Elected Members Not Present: Diana Allen (English & Journalism), Esteban Araya (Physics), Jongnam Choi (Geography), Jess White (Soc & Anthro, Vice Chair) Ex-officio Member Not Present: Russ Morgan (Deans Council) Guest: Roger Runquist (CITR Director) CGE Chairperson Patrick McGinty called the November 17 meeting of the Council of General Education to order at 3:30 p.m. in 60 Horrabin Hall on the Macomb campus, with a video-conference connection to Room B16 on the Quad Cities Campus. Dr. McGinty explained that Jess White and Esteban Araya had academic conference obligations which prevented them from attending the meeting. Minutes and Reports The Minutes from 30 November 2011 were considered. Motion: Cindy Struthers moved approval of the November 30 Minutes; Dean Zoerink seconded the motion. The Minutes were unanimously approved. Interim Associate Provost Nancy Parsons reported that she will have the assessment data ready for CGEs consideration by the December 8 CGE meeting; she is waiting for assessment reports from two departments. Director of University Advising Candace McLaughlin recommended that her successor as Director of University Advising (yet to be determined) be invited to serve on CGEs Reading Comprehension Subcommittee. She reminded CGE members that one of the finalists for her position has already had his campus interview; two more will be interviewing on campus in the next few weeks. The new Director of Advising will begin her or his duties at 鶹ý in January or February. She also announced that she will not be present at CGEs Dec. 8 meeting because she will be presenting her Last Lecture from 2:00 to 4:00 on that day. Her retirement party is on the afternoon of Friday, Dec. 2. CGE Chairperson Patrick McGinty reported to the Council that at its last meeting, the Faculty Senate reaffirmed CGEs current Assessment Plan of collecting General Education assessment data in every section of every Gen Ed course in every semester. That practice had been reported to the Faculty Senate in an earlier CGE Annual Report, which was accepted by the Senate (thereby tacitly approving the change). However, the Senate had never explicitly voted to change the official General Education Assessment Plan which is available on the university web site --  HYPERLINK "http://www.wiu.edu/provost/assessment/general_education/assessment.php" http://www.wiu.edu/provost/assessment/general_education/assessment.php -- and which was approved by the General Education Review Committee in 2007, stating that Departments may choose to assess student learning in a sample of the General Education courses and sections offered by the department, rather than in every section of every course. The Senate has now voted to endorse the every section/every course/every semester Gen Ed Assessment Plan. Dr. McGinty reported that he is still engaged in conversations with Dr. Carter of CIS regarding transfer articulation of courses from international universities and still has nothing to report to CGE on that front. The remainder of the meeting was devoted to a discussion with Roger Runquist, Director of CITR, about the place of the universitys General Education curriculum in New Faculty Orientation. New Faculty Orientation Director Runquist shared with members of CGE copies of the provisional New Faculty Orientation program for Augsut 2012 and explained that several years ago the decision was made to make New Faculty Orientation more robust. The goal is to ensure that all material presented is relevant to all faculty who are present. He asked CGE to make the case for why an explanation of 鶹ýs Gen Ed goals, structure, and assessment should be included in that agenda. What do faculty who will not be teaching Gen Ed courses need to know about 鶹ýs General Education program? Cindy Struthers observed that new faculty will be unaware of what is expected of their students in their Gen Ed classes; all students must complete the university Gen Ed curriculum. Candace McLaughlin explained that Gen Ed lays the foundation for upper-division courses in all undergraduate majors. Students need to understand why it is important; that understanding will be facilitated if their faculty understand that as well. Dean Zoerink reminded Director Runquist that since the term General Education is not used at all universities, new faculty may not know what is meant by the term at 鶹ý. Director Runquist suggested that CGE participate in the table fair held at the end of the first day, so that interested faculty could stop by to learn more about 鶹ýs General Education program. Candace McLaughlin asked if it would be possible to be included in the program as well as at the table fair. Director Runquist suggested having the Faculty Senate President introduce General Education during his lunchtime remarks and direct interested faculty to the CGE table at the table fair, where their specific questions could be answered. Dr. McGinty pointed out that the value of General Education needs to be communicated to all new faculty members, not just to those who might choose to stop by the CGE table at the table fair. He asked if it might be possible to carve some time out of the time set aside for the Deans. Director Runquist observed that several of the Dean regularly run over their allotted time, so shortening it would just exacerbate that problem. Dr. Struthers asked why the performance evaluation process is included on the agenda for the first day of orientation, before any discussion of the duties for which faculty will be evaluated or the expectations of them in each of the three areas of teaching, research, and service. Ginny Boynton pointed out that General Education, which is scattered throughout all four colleges, is what makes 鶹ý a university and not a vocational institute. General Education is the common core of 鶹ýs curriculum. Director Runquist suggested that perhaps a more appropriate place for discussion of the significance and nature of 鶹ýs General Education program, in that case, was at the Fall Faculty Assembly, to which all university faculty (not just new members of the faculty) are invited. Dr. Zoerink observed that new faculty need to learn about General Education early, in addition to whatever is presented to the faculty as a whole. Interim Associate Provost Nancy Parsons volunteered to bring it to the attention of whoever the new Provost will be. She thought it was possible that the new Provost would be willing to have it included in the agenda for the Faculty Assembly. Dr. Boynton asked what written materials were presented to the new faculty at orientation, and if it might be possible to include some General Education information in that folder of materials. Director Runquist replied that CITR has been moving to web-based materials rather than handouts, and that web-based General Education materials could be included with those. Dr. McGinty reaffirmed to Director Runquist the sense of urgency CGE felt concerning new faculty orientation. Director Runquiest suggested trying several avenues: providing materials (on the web) for new faculty, asking the Faculty Senate President to promote the table fair during his lunchtime remarks, possibly incorporating General Education Assessment into the Writing Assessment part of the orientation, and providing some focus on General Education in the Faculty Assembly. Dr. Boynton requested clarification on why Athletics and the Arts at 鶹ý were focused on during the first day of orientation, given that New Faculty Orientation is supposed to include only information relevant to all new faculty. Are we sending the message that athletics are more important than our core curriculum? She also pointed out that the orientation program included almost no attention to faculty members service opportunities. Dr. McGinty and Candace McLaughlin suggested that the Athletics and Arts speakers be moved to the second days luncheon (which presently has no program); following the Faculty Senate Presidents remarks at the first days luncheon, chairs of some of the Senate Councils, including CGE, could speak briefly about faculty governance and service responsibilities at 鶹ý, including General Education. This could also include an introduction to the table fair later that day. Director Runquist expressed his willingness to try this suggested rearrangement. Director McLaughlin mentioned that University Advising uses a General Ed Hospital podcast to introduce students to General Education: http://www.wiu.edu/advising/media/index.php Andrea Hyde reiterated that the entire faculty needs to know about the General Education goals and curriculum, since it affects undergraduate students in all majors and all colleges offer General Education courses. Director Runquist asked how faculty learn what is expected when they teach a General Education course, and the general consensus of CGE members was that it varied by department and college. Dr. McGinty reiterated the following suggested changes: Move the speakers on Arts and Athletics to the Wednesday (second day) lunch Include a more robust introduction to curriculum-related faculty governance and service opportunities during the Tuesday (first day) lunch Include CGE at the table fair held at the end of the day on Tuesday Include CGE materials on the web site provided to new faculty members Add a discussion of General Education goals and significance to the Fall Faculty Assembly Director Runquist expressed his support for this plan, but reminded Councilors that he will have to obtain the approval of the new Provost for any changes to either New Faculty Orientation or the Fall Faculty Assembly. Director Runquist took the opportunity to mention that while the Provost Travel Awards had no funding yet, he hoped that it would before the end of the academic year. In 2010-11, CITR was able to fund 100 percent of the awards, although it took nine months for some faculty to get reimbursed. Chairperson McGinty reviewed for the Council the dates of the 2012 CGE meetings, which he had earlier distributed electronically: Feb 2 and 16, March 1 and 22, April 5 and 19, and May 3 (if needed). CGE is expected to meet six to eight times per semester. Adjournment: The Council, having completed its business for the day, adjourned to commemorate the retirement of Candace McLaughlin, who was presented with a resolution honoring her many contributions to CGE over the years. The resolution, which was unanimously approved, reads as follows: A RESOLUTION HONORING THE CONTRIBUTIONS of CANDACE MCLAUGHLIN to THE COUNCIL ON GENERAL EDUCATION, WESTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY WHEREAS, the Council on General Education notes with great interest and satisfaction those milestone events that occur in the lives of those individuals who make significant and lasting contributions to the Council and the larger 鶹ý Illinois University community; WHEREAS, Candace McLaughlin is one such individual who has faithfully served to make the Council on General Education a better place for its membership as well as a stronger advocate for positive student academic experiences at 鶹ý; and WHEREAS, Candace McLaughlin has diligently sought ways to best serve the Council as well as have a demonstrably positive impact on the lives of those students with whom she has had contact in her career at 鶹ý; and WHEREAS, Candace McLaughlin continues to tirelessly serve until the final day of her appointment on the Council on General Education, coinciding with her retirement from 鶹ý Illinois University; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council on General Education, this 17th day of November, 2011 that it does hereby extend its warmest and most sincere thanks and appreciation to Candace McLaughlin upon the occasion of her retirement from service on the Council and from 鶹ý. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Council does hope that Candace will greatly enjoy the experiences and opportunities available after completing a storied career of service, and that she might be blessed with a continuation of life, health, happiness and contentment for many years to come. CGE will next convene on Thursday, 8 December 2011. 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