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Corrections & acceptance of minutes from September 6, 2018: Anderson moved and Bennett seconded approval of minutes. Minutes were approved. 3. Additions to Agenda: No additions. 4. Roll Call including introduction of new CGE member: Absent were Knox and Yager. Chair Holz announced that Annette Hamm informed him that CGE is missing a representative from the College of Business and Technology. Therefore, Todd Lough (at-large member) has been pulled from CGE and appointed to CCPI to fill a vacancy there. CGE awaits the appointment of a new member representing Business and Technology. Holz welcomed the new student representative, Daria Levchenko. 5. Announcements: Chair Holz announced that the GERC Final Report was approved by Faculty Senate during its meeting on Sept. 25. Holz also summarized the major points of comments made by Gordon Pettit (Mathematics & Philosophy) in front of Faculty Senate before the vote. Pettits key points were that GERC agreed that there is no need to reduce GenEd credit hour numbers and that the current GenEd curriculum is working. Pettit further noted that according Bureau of Labor Statistics about 73 percent of students with a bachelors degree end up working in a field other than their college major; hence the need for a robust GenEd program. Pettit stated that a strong GenEd program is beneficial to incoming students who have not yet chosen a major. Holz explained that 鶹ý President has to approve GERC Final Report, and that he has been given the go-ahead from Faculty Senate Chair Pynes to resume regular CGE business. Associate Provost Mossman explained that according to Provost Neumann the moratorium on CGE is not lifted until GERC report has been approved by the President. President and Provost will comment first. Holz announced that he is aware of one GenEd course proposal from COFAC waiting to be submitted to CGE; Associate Dean Mayborn announced that there are 2-3 courses waiting to be submitted from CAS and wants to be sure CGE can indeed accept new course proposals. Holz will ask Pynes for clarification regarding the moratorium. Day asked whether GERC was in limbo and could possibly be reconvened. Holz said no, based on what was stated in the last Faculty Senate meeting. NEW BUSINESS 6. Reports a. Provost -- Dr. Mark Mossman, Associate Provost: Nothing to report. b. CAS -- Kyle Mayborn: Nothing to report. c. University Advising -- Michelle Yager: absent. d. CGE Chair Holz: Holz received a question from CCPI, whether CGE has to sign off on a minor description change to a GenEd course. Holz assumes that CGE approval is not needed. Holz announced that he received 6 articulation requests since the beginning of the semester: 1 for Humanities, 2 for Fine Arts, and 3 for Multicultural credit. Of these 6, three are pending. Holz asked committee members to respond in a timely manner when asked to evaluate a request, within 7-10 days, in order not to keep students waiting. OLD BUSINESS 7. Student Learning Assessment Subcommittee of CGE: Holz asked Baker-Sperry to explain the specific charge for the Student Learning Assessment Subcommittee to be formed. Baker-Sperry reminded the committee that the reaccreditation visit from the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) is scheduled for 2021 for the main campus and for 2020 for the Quad Cities campus. Ten years ago, during the last reaccreditation process, GenEd was the only minor issue in the assessment of student learning. Most council members were underprepared for the reaccreditors visit.Their disconnect from the process was problematic. Thus, it is important to have a sub-committee now to be prepared in 2020/21. The April 2018 Proposal for the Assessment of Student Learning in GenEd moves step four from CGE to Provosts Office. Although some suggest uncertainty whether it (as part of GERCs Final Report) has been approved, sub-committee work should start regardless. It is the task of the sub-committee to make sure that the four steps take place. Holz: Is it being suggested that formation of this sub-committee wait until this proposal (as part of the GERC Final Report) is approved? Mossman: Sub-committee is needed now; moratorium only applies to new course proposals. Mayborn: Only new course proposals were affected by moratorium, not all CGE committee activities. Day: What are the expectations for the sub-committee? Baker-Sperry: The sub-committee should meet every two weeks. Mossman: The goal is reaccreditation. First, impact reports have to be done. Departments have to be reminded to submit impact reports. It has to be demonstrated to the HLC that assessment is meaningful and that it is done on the department level. Baker-Sperry: The Provost has to hold the departments responsible, but CGE still plays an important part. Formation of sub-committee: A motion to form a sub-committee is made. Bennett motions, Daytner seconds. Anderson, Bennett, and Levchenko volunteer to serve; Daytner is willing to serve if new assessment plan is approved. Holz and Baker-Sperry thank the volunteers for their willingness to serve on the sub-committee. 8. Writing in General Education including the Faculty Resources: Day recommends that the CGE website not be updated to the new language for Writing in General Education (as outlined in GERC Final Report), until the Report has been approved. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4:09 p.m., after a motion by Baker-Sperry and second by Anderson.     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