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Announcements: Marjorie asks for someone to volunteer to take minutes Nov. 5 when Darcy is out of town. Kathleen asks us to encourage people in our departments and colleges to share with her syllabi and assignments for 100-level Gen Ed courses. REPORTS: Office of the PresidentUpdated the report on which departments have not sent in data and/or reports for Gen Ed assessment. Still missing several areas, but the reports are incoming. Nancy has sent messages to Deans of all the colleges that have missing data. The final deadline is tomorrow (Oct. 23, 2015). Nancy reports that she has been holding assessment meetings with the various colleges. Disappointed that some assessment committee members have not come to the meetings in some colleges. On October 27, 2015 and November 3, 2015 there will be meetings to discuss assessment in Curran Theater and Horrabin Hall 1 at 3:30. She also reminds us of the yearly ethics training and the necessity for all of us to make sure it is done. She sent us updates of the Gen Ed assessment plan to share with our departments and colleges. The updated goals, objectives and plans must be shared with the CGE. CASNo report University AdvisingAdvisors are busy meeting with students who have early warning grades. Faculty Senate/Articulation RequestsWS courses went through. Two articulations have been denied and two approved since out last meeting. OLD BUSINESS: Discussion of broken links on our web page and what links we want to remove. Discussion of why links to external sites were included originally and why they may or may not be useful now Kathleen will bring the list of links to the writing committee to see if they have good ideas for site to replace those with broken links. Nancy emphasizes the need to provide resources to instructors who are just learning to teach Gen Eds While Kathleen and the writing committee work on their links, the rest of us will work on getting syllabi and writing examples. Nancy wonders if we should be talking to students about links that might benefit them when they are learning to write in and for Gen Ed. Where would students go to find information, beyond the writing center? Marjorie wonders if we want a tab on the 鶹ý homepage to writing resources. Discussion of Gen Ed rep speaking to the weekly staff meeting at the writing center. NEW BUSINESS: Question of restricting Gen EdsKyle reports that the CAS curriculum committee brought forth a Gen Ed class for Forensic Chemistry majors only (CHEM 205 and 206). The question is whether or not Gen Ed classes can be restricted to a major and/or minor without giving up the distinction of being general. The problem in this case is the desire to pique the interest of Forensic Chemistry majors who may not be as intrigued by general chemistry Gen Ed choices, but who need to get their Gen Ed hours. Concern is that if a Forensic Chemistry class is open to all as a Gen Ed, the class will need to be diluted to meet the needs of non-majors. Kyle wants to argue that there may be precedent for this in last years catalog. Certain classese.g., MATH 106 and ENG 205have inclusions and exclusions based on the students major. There cannot be more than one syllabus for a single Gen Ed, so there is no chance to have different sections for different groups, at least not if they have different content. Marjorie argues that a class that excludes all but one major is by definition not a Gen Ed. Nancy adds that the university and CGE do not want to set a precedent that Gen Eds can be restricted. The one exception would be the College of Education classes for their majors that help them to meet the very stringent curricular demands of the state. Nancy likes the idea of creating a section of CHEM 201 and 202 for majors with the same content but using different examples. Discussion of the concept of restricting some sections of a Gen Ed to majors but without changing the content of the course. Kyle says Rose may not have known that designated sections could solve the problem more simply than the creation of a new class, that may cover much of the material that is already covered in other classes. Rumen raises the question of accelerated classes where more advanced students cover more material in the same class as students in a non-accelerated class, much like the idea of honors classes. Nancy replies that we do not do that at 鶹ý. Kyle says we have the solution for his department GOOD OF THE ORDER Motion: The meeting was adjourned at 4:25 CGE will next convene at 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, November 5, 2015 Respectfully submitted, Dr. Darcy C. 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