ࡱ> EGD` #bjbj .4$,TTTTTTTTz||||||$h; TTTTTTzz:,TH .&R z0R xD  dTvTDbBTTTTTT$ SENATE AGENDA ITEM III.D.1. 6 September 2005 Annual Report Council on General Education AY 2004-2005 Council on General Education Procedure and Membership Meeting Schedule and Summary of Primary Duties: The Council on General Education (CGE) met regularly throughout the academic year on every other Thursday from September 2 until May 1. The Council's routine business involved approving courses for inclusion in the General Education Curriculum, appointing CGE representation on Faculty Senate subcommittees, and the continuation of the humanities goals review. Aside from the routine business of the Council, CGE also addressed several specific Senate charges including but not limited to representation on the Ad Hoc Task Force on Assessment of General Education and the charge to make a recommendation concerning the W requirement. Membership: The Council had four new members appointed in AY 04-05, and had five regular members temporarily replaced due to a one semester sabbatical or scheduling conflict. In addition, two CGE members were replaced due to other Senate obligations. This resulted in a high number of new members throughout the academic year. CGE Representation from the Office of the Provost: The Faculty Senate charge regarding the constituency of the General Education Council stipulates that ex officio members should represent the interests of Advising, the College of Arts and Sciences, and the Provosts Office. With the addition, in Fall 2004, of Judi Dallinger as ex-officio member representing the interests of the Provost Office, the Council currently enjoys representation from all three areas. Election of New Officers: Officers for AY 2005 - 2006 are Lori Baker-Sperry (chair) and Amy Carr (vice chair). Courses Evaluated for Inclusion in General Education Curriculum and Duties Related to General Education Graduation Requirements Request for Inclusion in General Education Curriculum: The Council approved three courses for General Education Status: Political Science 200Introduction to Political Thought; Spanish 192Accelerated Elementary Spanish; Sociology 272Individual and Society. The Council also approved two existing courses be approved for General Education Status in the Humanities: African American Studies 282Black Theatre; African American Studies 283African American Folklore. Faculty Senate Charges to the Council on General Education and Council Recommendations Foreign Language/Global Issues Requirement Subcommittee: As representative on the Foreign Language/Global Subcommittee, Ginny Boynton reported ongoing activity to the Council. Two new members were appointed to the committee for AY 05-06, David Lane and Lori Baker-Sperry, fulfilling the Senates charge. Multicultural Inclusion in the General Education Curriculum: As charged in the bylaws, CGE is to review the general education curriculum. On February 17, Polly Radosh, Janice Welsch, and Bem Allen addressed the Council concerning inclusion of multiculturalism in General Education courses, particularly speaking to the elimination of the line requiring Relevance of Multicultural Scholarship and Integration of Pedagogy on the form used for new course approval, as recommended by CCPI and approved by the Senate. On March 3, CGE was addressed by CCPI chair, Buzz Hoon. Dr. Hoon provided a short summary of the rationale utilized in CCPIs recommendation to eliminate the line requiring Relevance of Multicultural Scholarship and Integration of Pedagogy. He completed his address by opening for council questions. Following these discussions, representatives from CGE attended and participated in the Senate hosted Multicultural Forum in Spring 05. Humanities Goals Review: The Council continued its charge to conduct periodic review of the match between courses and category goals as it resumed work from AY 03-04 on the humanities goals review. Council members met to explain the review process with multiple departments, and, in the case of Fine Arts and Communications, simultaneously with Dean Kreider and all chairs. By April 2005, review documents were received from African-American Studies, Art, Foreign Language, and History, completing the collection of materials for the review. As AY 04-05 drew to a close, CGE neared completion of its preliminary review of the Humanities goals, working to develop draft revisions of the goal statements in this category. Ad Hoc Task Force on Assessment of General Education: Associate Provost Judi Dallinger requested the Senate create an ad hoc subcommittee assigned to recommend a plan for the assessment of general education. The Senate charge requested three representatives from the Council on General Education. Paige Intrieri, John Chisholm, and Ginny Boynton were appointed. Recommendation Regarding the W Requirement: The Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate charged the Council on General Education with making a recommendation regarding the W requirement. To this end, the Council on General Education, under the guidance of parliamentarian Karen Mann, conducted a survey of departments offering general education courses, and those that do not, as well as advisors. On April 21, 2005, the Council on General Education began reviewing the results from a questionnaire sent to chairs and advisors concerning the W requirement. With little time to assess the results, the council identified a short-term solution until such a time thata more permanent solution might be reached that the Faculty Senate eliminate the third and fourth lines in the Undergraduate Catalog: "Students may choose from either of the following two options to fulfill this requirement: 1) take courses from at least two different General Education categories, or 2) take courses from at least two different academic departments within the same General Education category. All six semester hours may not be taken from one academic department in one General Education category" (鶹ý Illinois University Undergraduate Catalog 2004-2005; p. 58). This was to allow for greater flexibility for students and advisors, but also allow for the necessary time to assess the survey results, and conduct a more thorough investigation into the issues surrounding the W requirement. The Senate did not approve the recommendation. Moratorium on Goal Review of the Multicultural Category and Requests for Inclusion in General Education in the Multicultural Category: On April 21, 2005, the Council on General Education recommended a moratorium on the multicultural goal review until a decision on the foreign language requirement was approved due to the requirements propensity to impact the multicultural goal review (scheduled as the next categorical review by the Council anticipated to be well underway AY 05-06.). The Senate approved the recommendation. The Senate approved a review of the General Education Curriculum, to be formally charged AY 05-06. Respectfully submitted by Lori Baker-Sperry, CGE chair for AY 2004-2005. -36op ( ^ e : J j D E F G S T U b g r v    ? 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