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During the fall term the council reviewed the self-study report and encouraged faculty to attend the open meetings which were held for the purpose of encouraging public response to the self-study report. The report is still available online at http://www.student.services.wiu.edu/ncaa/. The members for the 2004-2005 Council were: James Olsen, Stan Cunningham, Safoura Boukari, John Vana, Tom Cody, NCAA Faculty Representative, Jon Adams, Student-Athlete Advisory Board, Travis Cherry, Student-Athlete Advisory Board, and Kathy Orban, Associate Athletic Director (ex-officio). The main business for this council is to review and make recommendations relative to the various schedules submitted by the intercollegiate athletic teams in accordance with university policy. The two key policies are: The maximum number of classes missed per semester: A student athlete may miss a maximum of five Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and a maximum of four Tuesdays and Thursdays. Athletic contests should not be scheduled during final examination week. Exceptions to this policy must be approved by CAGAS. The council reviewed and approved the following athletic schedules: Mens & Womens cross country Mens Golf Womens Golf Softball Mens & Womens Tennis Mens & Womens Indoor Track Mens & Womens Outdoor Track Mens & Womens Basketball Volleyball Football Mens & Womens Soccer Mens & Womens Swimming Baseball The council received the following reports: Spring 2004 Athletic Academic Information 鶹ý Illinois University Intercollegiate Athletics NCAA Self-Study Graduation Rates Handout titled Defining Countable Athletically Related Activities Fall 2004 Athletic Academic Information Handout titled Voluntary Activities and the Safety Exception Peer-Review Team Report with Institution Responses (following NCAA self-study and subsequent NCAA visitation) Peer-Review Team Report with Institution Responses identified three weaknesses in the athletic program. These weaknesses were addressed in the institution responses. Briefly, the weaknesses, and subsequent responses, were: Under the section on Rules Compliance: The evaluation of individuals (employees) outside of the athletics department who have athletics responsibilities (faculty representative, financial aid office, registrar) should include language for rules compliance. Evaluation of such employees will now include issues related to NCAA rules compliance. Under the section on Equity, Welfare and Sportsmanship: The peer-review team noted many goals that have been met under W.I.U.s updated gender-equity plan, but asked for additional updates. W.I.U.s Commitment to Equity Plan for Improvement has been further updated. Under the section on Minority Issues: The peer review team felt that 鶹ýs minority-issues plan should be updated and extend five years (2004 through 2009). W.I.U.s Minority Improvement Plan has been further updated with regard to the program areas cited by the peer review team. Respectfully submitted, James R. Olsen, Chair 45FINX7 > J [ f   U e | . }~󪦢hZh?^hh%E h*ihXCh}jy hkhXChXC hkhkhRhkh3mh(h1hqhQh;w5hQhQ5h;wjh;wU=5FGHI`q . :~$$gd0-  & Fgd}jy  & FxgdXCx1$gdXC1$gdXC `1$^`` $1$a$gdQ1$~*5>Unwx%i>?" & FgdW7 & Fgd0-1$ & F1$gd0- $ & Fgd0->CFMUZ]dnw%ghi>?2z{h'(%h:thsh=H hKhKhA?DhKhLEhW7h;whAhhZ hZhZ%"{1$ & F1$gdK 3 0@PBP/ =!"#$% <@< NormalCJ_HmH sH tH DAD Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k(No List .O. Level 11$.O. Level 21$.O". Level 31$.O2. Level 41$.OB. Level 51$.OR. Level 61$.Ob. Level 71$.Or. Level 81$.O. Level 91$$5FGHI`q . :~*5>Unwx % i > ? 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